Friday, March 5, 2010

Update! Save some time, it is long.

Oh, what do I say? It has been six months since I updated this thing and a lot has happened. I now have an 18 month old! This is a LONG post, please feel free to stop reading at any time.

We have been busy battling a kid who doesn’t like to eat and who doesn’t like to sleep. This really makes us think we are meant to be a one kid family. I guess only time will tell on that matter. I am sure the memories of the sleepless nights and worrying about our runt will fade will time and we will eventually decide we are nuts enough to have another monster. I have always called Jordan my little monster. Partially because he is a monster, but lately because he RRRROOOOAAARRS! One of his many sounds he makes.

On the talking front, it seems every word Jordan says starts with a ‘B’. He has been saying ‘ball’ for months now as that is about the only toy he plays with. He also says ‘bye’, ‘bubbles’, ‘balloon’, ‘basketball’, ‘football’, ‘grandpa’, ‘kitty-kat’, just to name a few.

He is starting to eat better. My non-meat eater ate so much sausage last night I thought he was going to be sick. Of course it was dunked in ketchup. Yes, since he has moved to the toddler room at daycare, ketchup has become an entrée. By this, I mean he has ketchup with a side of fries for meals when we go out to eat. His favorite place to eat is Ruby Tuesday because I get the garden bar. So, Jordan eats all his favorites, cottage cheese, grapes, peas, cranberries and crackers.

Yup, above I did say toddler room. OMG! I have a toddler. He is starting to color really well, loves to give kisses and throw tantrums. The other night he attempted to angrily bite me. These are all things I attribute to being in the toddler room. I was informed the other day that he has two girlfriends at daycare. Yes, we have a mack-daddy on our hands. I guess he even cried when Kelbie didn’t want to hold his hand the other day while playing in the gym.

Jordan has also been battling ear infections since November. They like to put him on a nasty antibiotic that gives him man gas and horrible diaper rash. I say man gas because he farts like a man while on it. Not toots, full fledged farts! I normally don’t even notice that he has an ear infection because he does fairly well with them. He had ear infections at both his 15 and 18 month checkups.

Speaking of checkups, it is finally legal for me to have Jordan’s car seat forward facing. He finally hit the 20 pound mark. Not only did he hit it, he surpassed it. At his 18 month checkup, he weighed in at 21 lbs 5 oz placing him in the third percentile. He was also 31 inches tall. So, he is now over half as tall as me, so should surpass his mom by the age of five.

I almost forgot, Jordan is in a big boy bed! We moved him into his bed last Saturday. We were hoping maybe this would be the trick to getting him sleeping in his own bed. He had been sleeping in my bed since about September. I say my bed because Riley decided three in a bed was too many and started sleeping downstairs in the guest room. I am very happy to report that since last Saturday, Jordan has relocated to his own big boy bed and Riley has relocated back to our bed. YEAH!

I’ll stop boring you with the last six months of our lives now. I have posted some pictures through Christmas as I haven’t uploaded my camera since then.

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